Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gettin' 'er done!

Oh yesterday was wonderful! I figured after last week at the market with a slim booth, we needed to get some work done around here. So, I hired a couple of sitters and put in a full eight hours! Needless to say, I am feeling like my head is above ground! The sitters were fabulous....they even put away my dishes in the dishwasher! You know you have good help when they put dishes away!

yesterday I...

completed a teacher thank you project - Ry's last day of preschool, she is off to Kindergarten next year (minus her two front teeth, already!) - this required a trip to the local craft store early, early, early

fed and watered all animals

tilled , formed, laid irrigation to, covered with blue mulch, and succesfully planted cucumber beds (I am estimating there are over 60 hills of cucmbers out there - 4 types)

delivered the teacher thank you's - made the teacher cry...and me, too!

seeded hundreds of beets

hit-and-weed(ed) various areas of the field

washed my dirty feet

blessed a friend (more like family) with birthday dinner

dropped by more friends' house on the way home - late

forgot to get eggs...did that with a flashlight

collapsed into bed..sunburn and all!


The White House said...

Ah yes... free range children... WELL SAID!

lauren said...

Hey, we got some chickens from you today at Poulsbo market, and I am super excited for them! We have a tiny farm too ( ) but it's only our first year and we are still learning.
Keep bloggin'! :)

Nikki said...

I can see that you're as up to date with blogging as I am. Just a note to say Hi. We're exhausted with all the house stuff, but it should soon be over and we can play again. And don't forget about all the chicken wire, fencing and t posts we have for you!